Relationships and personal connections have an immense power to shape and influence our lives. Whether it’s a close friend, a family member, a romantic partner, or even an acquaintance, these connections can be incredibly important and have a lasting impact on our lives. I have created art pieces to express our personal connections related to Episode #2 of Artfully Askew with Deb. You will find the show on the Media-Podcast page of this website.

Creating Strong Bonds

Developing strong personal connections can be an incredibly rewarding experience. When we invest time and effort into building strong relationships, we often find that these connections can provide us with emotional stability and support during difficult times. Additionally, strong relationships can bring us joy and satisfaction, making us feel more connected to our community and to the people around us.

The Benefits of Personal Connections

Personal connections can offer a variety of benefits. Having a strong social network of people can help us to find new opportunities and perspectives, as well as giving us the support we need to make important life decisions. Additionally, having someone to rely on and share our experiences with can be incredibly valuable, providing us with a sense of belonging and purpose.

Maintaining Connections

Maintaining relationships and personal connections can be challenging. It requires effort and commitment. Taking the time to invest in our relationships can pay off in the long run and help us to build strong and meaningful connections with the people around us.

Intention Through Invitation

I invite you to explore with me how you can honor your personal connections with the ones you love. Reach out to me through email and we will have a discussion about creating a piece of art that expresses your personal relationship. That could mean a painting that you create in a session with me or one I create for you in understanding who you are and what it is you want to say.
You may see a piece that I have already created that resonates with you completely. I am happy to discuss how this art may fit in your home. Email me and we will chat about size, placement and the emotion of the piece.

If you have emotions stuck in your head, begging for a safe way to express themselves; the canvas may be calling you, just as it did for me. Let’s talk!
There truly is beauty in the fall and the climb back up. I would love to share that beauty with you.